Saturday, September 3, 2011

2011. I had been calling it The Year of the Great Purge.

Cleaning out closets, burning old bank statements, getting rid of the junk, hauling it to the dump. I thought that if I cleaned out the house, made some room for me, that I would like things better. Then it began to dawn on me. The new name I've given the year 2011.

The Year That I Can No Longer Stand a Person I Love. Because as I cleaned out, as I purged, there was something remaining that I could not send to the curb to be picked up by the trash man. And nothing breeds resentment more than looking at the pile of junk that doesn't go away, that no one will clean up, that only is piled upon further, hoping that the next one to come along will haul it off and make everything better. The pile of unresolved hurts, the battered dreams, the lies, and the denial, oh, the denial. Never has a word had so profound a meaning for me, more than lies - utter and absolute intentional blindness. What pile of crap???? Where????

So this is the year.